
What Do Snails Eat: In the Wild and as Pets

There are lots of pop questions about snails, including how long do snails sleep and what do y'all feed a snail?

Today, we are going to focus on what do snails eat.

There are many dissimilar types of snails that you can keep in an aquarium or outdoor garden pond. These snails all have different diets based upon the type of food that they would observe in their natural habitats.

If you want to know what to feed your snail, you must beginning get to know your snail.


This commodity will explicate what snails consume and the best fashion to feed them in your aquarium.

What Practice Snails Eat In The Wild?

Snail in Wild

Snails and slugs are gastropods, belonging to the phylum Mollusca. They come in all dissimilar shapes, colors, and sizes, but they all share the mutual feature of having a beat and a foot which they employ to move effectually.


They feed using a natural language-like organ called a radula. Their radula has thousands of tiny microscopic teeth which snails employ to scrape up plant cloth and eat prey.

Snails with dissimilar dietary requirements use their radulae in different ways to feed on a variety of nutrient types.

Garden snails commonly come out to consume at night and on rainy or clouded days. They relish moisture and are a common sight subsequently rainfall.

About garden snails consume vegetation and are known pests in gardens and crop farms. They love seedlings and thick-leaved plants, along with fruits and vegetables. They will swallow tree bark and flowers too.

Snails will also swallow dead plants or animal material. This makes them effective decomposers in natural food cycles.

Like state snails, many aquatic snails likewise enjoy vegetation. They will eat submerged and floating plants that grow in lakes, rivers, and ponds.

In aquatic environments, snails volition graze on algae that grow over rocks and sediment. They will apply their radulae to scrape it up.

Carnivorous aquarium snails will swallow live prey such equally worms, insects, and small crustaceans. They may even consume other snails.

What Exercise Body of water Snails Eat?

A triton is a predatory sea snail that eats starfish.

Sea snails include limpets, abalones, and cone snails. They often have attractive shells that many people similar to collect from the beach.

These snails get the calcium they demand to go on their shells potent by eating the shells of other marine animals, including other snails.

Most sea snails are algal grazers and will swallow the algae that form over rocks, sediment, and reefs.


Grazing on algae as well helps keep the snail'south habitat clean. Algal-grazing sea snails include abalones, limpets, and cowries.

Other ocean snails swallow dead plant and beast matter, or can fifty-fifty be predatory. Predatory sea snails like tritons, whelks, and cone snails eat other invertebrates. Tritons are i of the few predators of the crown-of-thorns starfish, a dangerous predator to coral reefs.

The oyster drill is a snail that preys on oyster reefs, using its radula to diameter holes through the oyster'due south beat out.

Other predatory sea snails eat mussels, clams, and other snails. Moon snails will even eat each other!


Some carnivorous ocean snails can carry powerful venom in their radulas, used to impale or incapacitate their casualty. The venom of a cone snail is deadly even to humans.

In an aquarium, the all-time foods for feeding a sea snail are:

  • Algae
  • Alginate and algae tablets
  • Crushed shells
  • Calcium supplements
  • Live clams (carnivorous snails)
  • Brine shrimp (carnivorous snails)
  • Feeder snails (cannibal snails)
  • Tiresome-sinking fish foods

What Do Freshwater (Aquarium) Snails Eat?

Snails in Aquarium

Virtually common aquarium snails are freshwater snails – this include nerites, mystery snails, and apple snails.

Like ocean snails, nigh freshwater snails are grazers. They eat algae, detritus, and bacteria that course on rocks and the substrate.

Many beloved to eat plants and are considered pests to crops and submerged aquatic vegetation. Other snails utilize their fungus to trap and filter particles from the water column. Very few of them are cannibal.

In your aquarium, your snails should be given a continuous supply of natural algae and plant life. In a well-stocked tank, your snails volition feed themselves!

Snails also dear garden vegetables. You tin can feed them lettuce, kale, cucumbers, and zucchini that are done and lightly blanched.

For a little actress poly peptide and calcium, choose a tablet or pellet food that sinks slowly and can achieve the bottom without being gobbled upwards by your snails' tank mates. If your tank doesn't have lots of algae, you lot may demand to provide alginate or a supplemental algae tablet.

You might discover that your snails volition eat upward their tank mates' leftovers equally well.

Carnivorous snails like assassin snails must exist given live prey, including bloodworms and small shrimp.

Feeding time depends on the type of food that is being offered. For vegetables, a continuous supply provides the all-time health benefits for your snails.

If y'all keep your tank well-stocked with plants and algae, your snails volition discover food on their ain and will not need to be fed much extra. Tablets and alginate are better as supplements, and only demand to be given one time a day (or fifty-fifty less in an algae-dense tank).

Carnivorous snails should be fed a steady supply of live prey in one case/twice a twenty-four hour period.

The best foods for freshwater aquarium snails are:

  • Raw or cooked lettuce
  • Raw or cooked kale
  • Raw or cooked, blanched cucumber
  • Raw or cooked, blanched zucchini
  • Submerged vegetation; water hyacinth anacharis, water lettuce, floating weeds
  • Natural-forming macroalgae
  • Benthic microalgae and cyanobacteria
  • Algae tablets and alginate
  • Slow-sinking fish pellets
  • Commercial snail mixes
  • Bloodworms (carnivorous snails)
  • Brine shrimp (carnivorous snails)
  • Feeder snails (carnivorous snails)

What Do Pond Snails Consume?

Pond Snail

The diet of swimming snails is not likewise dissimilar from the diets of freshwater snails.

They volition eat algae, plants, and suspended particles in the h2o column. Just like in an aquarium, snails will feed themselves in a swimming well stocked with vegetation and algae.


Some good plant choices for your pond snails include water hyacinth, h2o lettuce, bladderworts, duckweeds, and anacharis. Anacharis encourages the growth of algal colonies that snails crave, making it a very practiced choice for whatever snail pond.

Pond snails will consume garden vegetables just prefer more natural vegetation. Consider growing a snail-friendly vegetable garden right alongside your pond, and offering cooked vegetables merely every bit a supplement.

Carnivorous pond snails volition eat insects and insect larvae, worms, and other snails.

You do not demand to provide actress food for your swimming snails if your pond is vegetation-heavy. Only brand certain that your plants are well-tended and any expressionless or decaying plants are replaced.

Cannibal snails volition go after the live prey that is naturally attracted to your swimming. They can be great pest command for gardens.


In higher temperatures, your pond snails will need to swallow more than. You can provide outside foods and algal pellets or tablets at least in one case a day during the summer months. In lower temperatures, feeding will decrease as the snails set up for dormancy.

The all-time foods for swimming snails are:

  • Lettuce, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Kale
  • Berries and berry leaves
  • Aquatic freshwater plants: anacharis, floating weeds, water hyacinth
  • Naturally-forming macroalgae
  • Benthic microalgae and cyanobacteria
  • Large-leaf foliage
  • Terrestrial flowers
  • Bloodworms (carnivorous snails)
  • Brine shrimp (carnivorous snails)
  • Feeder snails (carnivorous snails)
  • Water fleas (carnivorous snails)

FAQs on What Do Snails Consume


What Do Nerite Snails Consume?

Nerite snails are some of the very best algae cleaners effectually.

These guys love to graze on the algae that form on the surface of your tank. They will also eat cooked vegetables similar lettuce and zucchini.


They can be marine or freshwater, and some may specialize in eating only one or two kinds of algae.

Since these snails prefer algae, they volition not damage any plants you include as part of your aquascape.

What Do Apple Snails Eat?

Apple snails just dear aquatic plants.

These snails have very big appetites, and they are considered a pest to h2o-growing crops like rice and taro.

They will eat living or dead plant thing and also feed on algae and microbe colonies.

Though they are native to South America, they take get invasive in some US states and Asian countries due to their popularity in the aquarium trade.

Baby Snail

What Do Mystery Snails Eat?

Like nerite snails, mystery snails are very constructive algae cleaners. They volition consume surface and benthic algae and tin can be given alginate and algae tablets as a supplement.

They will not impairment your aquarium plants. They also consume detritus and animal carrion if it is bachelor, making them skilful decomposers and nutrient cyclers.

What Do Babe Snails Eat?

Newly hatched snail larvae volition feed on microscopic algae and bacteria in the water cavalcade.

Once they develop their shells and settle on the substrate, they will eat the aforementioned algae, plants, and detritus that the adults do.

Infant snails need to be fed more often than developed snails. They practise very well on cooked lettuce and kale and should be fed twice a day while they are still growing.

Juvenile snails are still developing their shells, so it is important that they have a source of calcium for shell health and strength.

You can give them crushed eggshells, clamshells, or snail shells alongside their regular food.


Snails don't ask for much. Feeding and caring for them is simple, and in many cases, it'southward nigh completely hands-off.


If you know the correct kind of food for your particular snail, you lot can proceed your tank stocked and the snail will feed itself.

After reading this article you should know what snails eat in the wild and in aquariums.

Snails might non be the most agile or amusing, but if you lot accept good care of them, they make a bang-up tank clean upwardly coiffure.

Do you have any questions virtually what snails swallow? Let us know in the comments department below…


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